Grades TSgts and above are entitled to ship one POV regardless of the type of
tour. Personnel contemplating shipment of a two-wheeled motorized vehicle
including mopeds, should contact their gaining unit regarding
operation/registration procedures. Unleaded fuel is available on-base. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved Plumbet testing of catalytic
systems on POVs operating in Korea. This eliminates the requirement to remove
catalytic converters from POVs. Under the DOD POV Import Control Program, the
removal of catalytic converters is voluntary. If catalytic converters are not
removed, unleaded fuel must be used. Personnel wanting to remove catalytic
converters must do so before surrendering the POV to the CONUS port or upon
arrival at Pusan.
Traffic Comments..................... :
You must be a TSG or above to ship a car to Korea at government expense.
International driving signs are used in Korea. Traffic is quite heavy,
especially around Seoul and on Korean holidays.
The accident rate in Korea is high; consequently, the price you pay to insure
your vehicle in Korea is high. You should check with your insurance agent about
continued service in the ROK before your move. While insurance costs are high
here, you'll find using local companies is usually cheaper than most US
companies. Insurance here is an absolute necessity. You cannot register your
without it. Even if you could, you would be running an expensive and potentially
career threatening risk. ROK law often demands high payment from individuals
involved in an accident, especially when there's an injury or death. And most
often, it does not matter who is at fault.
Vehicles can be picked up and delivered at Camp Kim near Yongsan Army Garrison.
Once you're notified to pick up your vehicle, it's a good idea to give the
pick-up point another call (725-7011/7012) to let the people know that you will
pick up your vehicle on that particular day. Although this is not required, it
helps them schedule their workload and ensures that everything is ready when you
arrive. One of the most important things to do when you pick up your car is
carefully and thoroughly check for damage. Verify the serial numbers on your
tires and battery. Check the radio and other installed accessories to be sure
nothing has been substituted. Although security at Camp Kim is good, your car
has traveled halfway around the world in various hands. Be sure to document any
damage or theft before you leave Camp Kim.
Each individual or family assigned to Korea may own only one vehicle, and it
must be registered with a United States Forces Korea (USFK) Vehicle Recorder
within 10 days of date of purchase or arrival in Korea. Mopeds and motorcycles
are classified as a POV if over 50cc. Documents needed to register your vehicle
1. Identification Card. 2. Proof of ownership 3. Proof of insurance 4. USFK
Customs Import Document (3702-55B) 5. Valid USFK driver's license 6. Copy of
orders authorizing shipment or DD Form 788 (Private Vehicle Document.) 7.
Vehicle Safety Inspection certificate within the past 90 days (showing vehicle
To register a vehicle purchased in Korea you must present the same documents;
however, you do not need to show the custom's clearance documents or the orders
authorizing shipment. The vehicle registration is good for one year. To renew it
you must present a new vehicle safety inspection to the Security Forces Pass
& ID Section. Safety inspections are available through AAFES service station
or the Auto Hobby Shop on base.
US Forces personnel in Korea who wish to drive POVs must have a USFK drivers
license and a valid U.S. drivers license. Active duty military
personnel, civilian employees and family members age 18 or older are required to
take a written test to receive a USFK driver's license. USFK people may operate
a POV for 30 days with a valid stateside
drivers license. Military people are issued a USFK driver's license for one
years, while DoD civilians are issued a five-year license. Family members age 16
and older may obtain a learner's permit. This is good for driving only during
daylight hours on military installations while accompanied by a licensed driver.
The USFK driver's license must be carried with you whenever you're driving.
Osan Drivers License Section
Location..................... : Bldg 1310
Telephone.................... : 784-4568
Hours........................ : Appointment basis
Must have already viewed the Safety Driving film. This film is shown during the
newcomers orientation at Officer's Club. It is also shown every Friday at 0900
in the Safety Office. You have to view this film in order to get the required
USFK drivers license.
Osan Pass and ID
Location..................... : Bldg 936
Telephone.................... : 784-4489
Hours........................ : 0730-1530
Comments..................... :
In order to register an automobile at Osan you have to be an E-6 or above. There
are some waivers granted but this is up to the discretion of the individual
squadrons. In order to register a car at Osan you must get it inspected at the
Base Exchange, Auto Hobby or any other place that is recognized by the Security
Forces. After inspection, take the paper work from the inspection plus your USFK
drivers license, proof of insurance and previous registration slip to Pass and
ID to get your license tags. The first time you register your car at Osan you
will need the SOFA document that allowed your car in-country at government
expense (this will allow Pass and ID to create your car registration